First Step In Your Child’s Education And Care
We have been serving the Hanover and surrounding area for 12 years. We offer programs for the full-time working parents and stay-at-home parents looking for socialization and education for their children. Whether your family is looking for full-time or part-time education and care for your young children, New Beginnings ELC has the program to meet your needs!
Variety of Programs To Meet Your Family’s Needs
Your child’s learning begins on their first day of care, whether they begin in the infant program or Preschool. As they move from program to program within the center, your child’s knowledge will expand upon what they learned in the previous program ending with the reading, writing, and math skills needed to be successful in kindergarten. All programs offer gross motor as part of the learning experience.

Designed to care for and nurture your child to enable them to meet the developmental milestones of the first year.Designed to care for and nurture your child to enable them to meet the developmental milestones of the first year.

Learning happens through first-hand experiences, storytime, interactive games, music, and movement opportunities.

Young Preschool (2-3 yrs)
Facilitates your child in developing self-help and independence skills, mastering their colors, shapes, and the first letter in their name.
Older Preschool (3-4 yrs)
Provide your child with hands-on experiences with the alphabet through the use of the Handwriting Without Tears program. Circle time introduces your child to ASL, math, and science topics along with the letters and letter sounds.

Circle time will reinforce your child’s knowledge of letters and letter sounds, and introduce vocabulary and sight words. It will also continue the development of your child’s number sense by counting 0-100 and skip counting by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s. Your child will engage in fine motor skill activities and Handwriting Without Tears lessons to enhance and further develop their letter writing skills. In addition, sight word books will be used to teach essential book reading skills.

School Age
Before and after school care is offered for students K-2 attending Park Hills Elementary.
Outdoor Play Is Essential!
With three age-appropriate outdoor areas, your child will have daily gross motor activity in all our programs.

Check Us Out On Facebook
We keep our Facebook updated with all news and important information. You can also find many pictures of our day-to-day activities!